We have computer access!! What an amazing place, I met a lady on Monday called Janet, who is married to Apollo and are friends with one of our group Eric. Janet is pretty wonderful, she has 3 children but has also taken in 2 orphans and 2 needy children. She is a primary school teacher, who has 94 pupils aged 9 years old. They are in school from 7.30am to 5pm!!!! There are fees of 4000 Ugandan shillings each term (just over £1), but not everyone can afford it. There are many challenges for the ugandan people in terms of education, many of the eldest children have to look after familes if their parents have passed away, and many of the young women who drop out of education (many due to money) get married at 12 or 13 years old, as they don't know any different.....however it just goes to show that even if they don't have much, they have a lot of love to give.
Working at the medical centre has been hard work and Sally and I have teamed up as joiners, undertaking several projects already..I'm pretty good with a drill and saw, but not too good at hammering nails! There are a group of children who come over every day and remember everyone's names...they helped me with my calculations yesterday whilst swooped around me!...must go now medical centre opening!
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